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Tribute: Sir Finnley Raptor-paw (Finn)

Finn, or Sir Finnley Raptor-paw as we fondly called him, came into our lives in 2018 when he was just six months old, and after being returned to the shelter three times, he finally found his forever home with us. Finn quickly took on the role of Chief Wellness and Napping Officer at Bauer Automate, where he enforced strict policies on wellness breaks and playtime. His version of fetch was uniquely his own: he’d eagerly dash after his favorite crinkle ball, play with it briefly, and then sit beside it, expecting us to fetch it for him. This playful quirk never failed to bring laughter to our office, which he proudly called home. 

Finn was a Maine Coon mix with striking gray fur, and while we were warned about his constant hairballs, a simple blueberry hairball treat quickly resolved the issue. His fluffy coat was a signature feature, though we eventually had to shave it, and we wouldn’t have had it any other way. Over time, Finn became the ultimate office companion, whether it was lounging on a laptop (usually while we were trying to work) or building computers with Ryley, our founder, in the unfinished basement where Bauer Automate first started. Even David bonded closely with Finn once he started sitting on his lap for many work days. There’s a special photo of Finn, curled up on Ryley’s lap during those early startup days, a symbol of his quiet but essential presence in our journey.


However, Finn’s life wasn’t without its struggles. Shortly after joining us, he began developing serious health issues. In 2019, we discovered he had a heart murmur, which later turned into a more serious heart condition (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy), requiring daily medication. Most cats would run and hide at the sight of pills, but not Finn. He would hear the alarm on our phones and patiently sit on the counter, waiting for his medication, as if he knew it was helping him feel better. He even let us shave him every few weeks to a lion cut to prevent hairballs from stressing his heart! Despite his bravery, it wasn’t the only battle he faced—he suffered from severe eczema on his paws, which caused constant pain, and after multiple misdiagnoses, we learned it was an allergic reaction to the environment. Even though his paws caused him discomfort, Finn never lost his gentle nature. His ability to remain calm and affectionate, even during painful times, was something truly remarkable. 

In early 2024, things took a turn for the worse. Finn started eating less, and swelling in his gums led us to discover that his immunosuppressant medication, taken for his eczema, was causing serious side effects. A complex dental surgery followed, but Finn never fully recovered, and soon after, we were devastated to learn he had colon cancer. It felt like life just wouldn’t give him a break. Despite this, Finn continued to radiate love and warmth, even during his final weeks. His last visit to the office was a special one. Normally, due to his allergies and during his treatment, construction in the basement kept him away from the office working on modified duties, but OHS granted him special permission to come back one final time, even though the dust made him sneeze. He was so happy to be back in his element, and that memory will always be precious to us. 

Finn’s story was one of resilience and love. He had a way of winning over even the most ardent non-cat lovers, often with just a simple paw reaching out for a hug or a belly flop, showing off his soft fur as if to say, "I trust you." He could turn any skeptic into a cat enthusiast. His playful spirit was contagious, whether he was pawing at crinkle balls or stealing random objects to stash under the fridge, which led to our biannual “cat Christmas” when we’d find over 30 toys during cleaning. 

Even though his time with us was cut short, Finn left a lasting impact on everyone who met him, including the veterinary team, who adored him and came out to say goodbye at each visit. We knew he was something special when the entire staff would come out to see him off, a testament to his gentle soul and the love he gave so freely. 

Finn's battle was long and filled with ups and downs, but through it all, he remained the same sweet, loving cat who made our lives better every day. We were lucky to have him for as long as we did, and his legacy will always be a cherished part of Bauer Automate’s story. We miss you, Finn. Rest easy, and thank you for all the love and laughter you brought to our lives. You'll forever be our Chief Wellness Officer and the heart of our team. 

If you would like to support the cardiology research that kept Finn by our side an extra 4 years, see the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. The drug that initially saved his life is only a few years older than he was and it's thanks to organizations like the ACVIM that make it happen